RaspberryPi 4 Mini Desktop Case – Ice Tower Cooler + Secondary PCB Cooling Fan

This is a case I designed for the Raspberry Pi 4 with the Ice Tower Cooler by 52Pi.

I designed this during the coronavirus quarantine and in some ways influenced by this ongoing experience.

For one, there’s potentially hours of experimentation potential as there are different fan options to test… if you’re stuck at home bored with nothing to and a spare Raspberry Pi and some fans sitting around.

Furthermore, since supply shipments are sketchy, I kept the 3D printer filament usage to a minimum, thinned parts wherever possible, provided opportunities to fabricate some parts out of other household materials (like possibly cardboard for the top and bottom panels which are not structural and otherwise featureless).

Read more… (and download the STL)

More pics and write up…

How Graphics worked on the Nintendo Game Boy Color | MVG

In 1998 Nintendo released the Game Boy Color, an upgrade to the original DMG Game Boy. The Game Boy Color (GBC) was fully backward compatible with the Game Boy but came with some improvements to the original architecture. In this episode we take a look at the Graphics subsystem of the GBC and discover some of the technical achievements developers were able to pull off.

Can you replace your C64 PLA for under $3?

Bad PLA chips (MOS 906114-01) are a super common problem for the “breadbin” Commodore 64 machines. There are replacements around but they aren’t that cheap. How about one you can build yourself at home for under $3?

The GAL-PLA has been tested on longboard PCB 326298, 250407, 250425 and the SX64 with no compatibility issues or modifications required. Tested with Super Zaxxon, 1541 Ultimate II and Easy Flash 3 with no issues on both NTSC and PAL machines.