Self-propelling robots come in a whole host of shapes, sizes, and capabilities, with some being able to fly while other can walk on just a couple or many legs. But YouTuber James Bruton wanted to innovate on this concept even further by designing and building a robot that mimics an earthworm through extending and contracting segments at certain times to slowly inch along the ground. This class of motion is called peristalsis, and it works by constricting a ring of muscles to propagate material, such as in the case of the digestive tract, or to move an entire body.
Learn how to build your own massive 3D-printed CNC router
3D printers are very popular in the maker community and CNC machines complement them well. While 3D printers fabricate parts by adding material over time, CNC mills and routers fabricate parts by subtracting material. That is preferable when working with large parts or when you require a lot of precision. If you want an affordable option, this guide will show how to build Ivan Miranda’s 3D-printed CNC machine design.
The 10 Best Arduino MIDI Projects for Beginners
MIDI is an abbreviation for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. It is a communication protocol that enables computers and other MIDI compatible devices to communicate. With its built-in serial ports, the Arduino is ideal for DIY MIDI projects. Let’s take a closer look at 10 of the best Arduino MIDI projects for beginners!
Mapping Dance syncs movement and stage lighting using tinyML
Being able to add dynamic lighting and images that can synchronize with a dancer is important to many performances, which rely on both and music and visual effects to create the show. Eduardo Padrón aimed to do exactly that by monitoring a performer’s moves with an accelerometer and triggering the appropriate AV experience based on the recognized movement.
Clever #Halloween Hack Uses Sound Waves to Simulate a Spooky Doodling Ghost
There’s really no wrong way to decorate for Halloween. It’s the effort that counts, even if all you do is toss some pumpkins on the porch, or set up an inflatable witch on the lawn. But there are those that go above and beyond the call of duty, like Dan Beaven, who leverages some cutting-edge levitation tech to make it look like ghosts are actually real.
DIY WS2812 Analog style Arduino Ring Clock
This time I will show you how to build a nice-looking ring clock. The clock uses a WS2812 ring containing 60 Leds,(4 Quarter circle neopixels x 15 Leds) and it is ideal for this purpose. This is a analog style digital clock with multiple display states, a 24-hour alarm, a count down alarm, multiple alarm display states and a demo mode. Hours, minutes and seconds are represented by a different color of the corresponding LED.
Bluetooth Volume Control For An Old Stereo With Buttons!
How about getting rid of that broken volume knob on your stereo and replacing it with some buttons, LEDs and Bluetooth?
How to Burn bootloader on new atmega328 using Arduino UNO
Here in this video i will show you How to burn bootloader to the new Atmega328 using Arduino Uno to be ready for easy programing for new projects or to replace the original Atmega328 chip on the Arduino Uno
Build your own Arduino Compatible Board
Do you dominate the Arduino technology? If you do not dominate it is probably because it is dominating you.
Knowing Arduino is the first step for you to create various types of technologies, so the first step is for you to master the full operation of an Arduino board.
In this Instructables you will learn step by step to master the complete circuitry of an Arduino compatible board.
Measure up to 500A DC Current with Shunt resistor and Arduino – Display on LCD1602
This video show you step by step how to use 75mV Shunt Resistor to measure DC current of up to 500A using Arduino.
This video requires you to watch: Introduction to Measuring DC Current with Shunt Resistor: