A few years back, I wrote a some custom web code to tie my home automation systems all together into 1 easy to use control panel.
I’ve set several HP Stream 7 Tablets (Windows based) around my house and utilize this web app to control the house and monitor events.
It also ties in Amazon’s Alexa service as well as HomeSeer’s built in voice recognition services to control my lights, A/C, doors, camera system and every TV in the house.
Expect a more indepth write up coming soon!
Creality releases the Ender 3 Pro
For a few extra bux, around $60-$100 or so depending on where you purchase it, you can get the Creality Ender 3 Pro.
Some of the major changes between the Ender 3 and the Ender 3 Pro include;
Magnetic Build Bed
40mmx40mm extrusion for the Y axis base
MK10 Extruder
Relocated controller fan at the bottom of the case.
Is the upgrade worth it to you?
Creality Ender 3 Pro – Specs on Creality’s website
Creality Ender 3 Pro – On Amazon
mintyPI version 3 released!
For you fans of Raspberry Pi gaming and emulation, mintyPi v3 has been officially released as of Dec 24th 2018.
Check out the link at SudoMod.com for full details and build instructions.
mintPi v3
PinkyPi – A micro Pi game build
PinkyPi is almost complete, I am working on a full write up to build one yourself!
Check our forums for more details, under the PinkyPi build log.
PinkyPi Build Log
Running OctoPrint on your Raspberry Pi
I’ve been working on a write up for running OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi to control my Ender 3 3D Printer.
I’ve included a touchscreen, and Micro SD to SD adapter in my build.
This full write up can be found in our forums.
Located Here
Christmas Lights Display – 2018
And for fun, 2 bonus videos.
Christmas Lights Display – 2017
My first year doing Christmas Lights – 2017.