I have converted the 1/87 scale BUSCH Smart Fortwo into the radio controlled model.
The steering is operated by 3.9mm diameter stepper motor and the drive by 4.1mm diameter DC motor.
Wireless communication is performed by two Bluetooth modules(RN4871U).
The RN4871U must be configured for communication before assembly.
The transmitter is built on the breadboard.
The microcontroller used is ATtiny3217 on the transmitter and ATtiny1616 on the receiver(the car side).
This Endearingly Janky Raspberry Pi-Powered Coffee Maker Automates Your Morning Routine
It won’t win any awards for presentation, but this Python-driven automation solution gets you your cup of joe in the morning regardless.
Pseudonymous maker “petertree” has built a coffee maker — “2x more expensive and messy than one you can get on Amazon,” he notes — powered by a smart plug, a peristaltic pump, and a Raspberry Pi.
James Bruton built a robot that moves like an earthworm
Self-propelling robots come in a whole host of shapes, sizes, and capabilities, with some being able to fly while other can walk on just a couple or many legs. But YouTuber James Bruton wanted to innovate on this concept even further by designing and building a robot that mimics an earthworm through extending and contracting segments at certain times to slowly inch along the ground. This class of motion is called peristalsis, and it works by constricting a ring of muscles to propagate material, such as in the case of the digestive tract, or to move an entire body.
New agricultural robots kill individual weeds with electricity
Small Robot Company (SRC), a British agritech startup for sustainable farming, has developed AI-enabled robots – named Tom, Dick and Harry – that identify and kill individual weeds with electricity. These agricultural robots could reduce the use of harmful chemicals and heavy machinery, paving the way for a new approach to sustainable crop farming.
The startup has been working on automated weed killers since 2017, and this April officially launched Tom, the first commercial robot currently operating on three UK farms. Dick is still in the prototype phase, and Harry is still in development.
Looking at Things From a Different Angle
This robot inspects objects from different angles to classify them with a high degree of accuracy in real world scenarios.
Object recognition is a critical piece of many machine learning applications. Whether the goal is to create an autonomous car, a warehouse robot, or a package delivery drone, in each case, the devices must be capable of recognizing the objects that are around them. There are many proven models that classify a wide range of objects with a high degree of accuracy; however, these models do not always perform as expected under real world scenarios.
Robot Dog V3 – 3D Printed & Open Source #1
I’ve previously built several robot dogs which used a variety of servos and brushless motors. The most agile robot dogs are the ones with back-drivable low-ratio reducers which allows the motor to be back-driven so we get some natural spring in the legs – which can be controlled on the fly with software. So it’s time for openDog V3 – this version uses my Cycloidal Drives which I’ve developed over the last few months. I will eventually publish the CAD and code as open source when it works.
An Arduino-powered underwater ROV made out of PVC pipe
Exploring the vast underwater world is exciting, and personal breathing devices such as SCUBA allow for people to descend far further than usual. However, robots can be even better since they can operate much longer and more efficiently than a person. And because these underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) can be so expensive, Ranuga Amargasinghe wanted to construct his own DIY version that costs less.
UC Riverside Roboticists Create Airhead, a Piano-Playing Robot Driven by “Air-Powered” Memory Chips
Inspired by player pianos and thermostats from the early 1900s, Airhead ditches electronics in favor of pneumatic RAM modules.
University of California at Riverside (UC Riverside) engineers have created what they describe as “air-powered computer memory,” which drives a robot — dubbed, amusingly, “Airhead” — to play the piano.
“Pneumatically-actuated soft robots have advantages over traditional rigid robots in many applications,” the researchers write in the abstract to their paper. “In particular, their flexible bodies and gentle air-powered movements make them more suitable for use around humans and other objects that could be injured or damaged by traditional robots.”
Spot Release 3.0 Gives Everybody’s Favorite Quadrupedal Robot Edge AI Powers, Improved Autonomy
Boston Dynamics has unveiled an upgrade for its quadrupedal Spot robot, Spot Release 3.0, which offers new autonomy functionality, AI-powered data collection, and the ability to operate the arm remotely — even opening doors.
“We’ve been working closely with Spot users in asset-intensive industries to operationalize the robot on their sites,” the Boston Dynamics team writes of the new upgrade. “With Spot Release 3.0, we’ve added flexible autonomy and repeatable data capture, making Spot the data collection solution you need to make inspection rounds safer and more efficient.”
How To Make Robots Move Smoothly | Arduino Tutorial
There are lots of great animatronic and robotics props and projects out there, and it’s easy to make r/c servos and other actuators move using the Arduino servo library. This means that the servos stops and start very suddenly, moving as fast as they can between positions. In this video I’m going to show you two lines of very simple code to make things smoother.