LucidVR Budget Haptic Glove

A functional glove that lets you use (and eventually feel) your hands in VR.

This is a project to try to make VR Haptic Glove technology more available for the public. Currently, most VR Haptic Glove products out there are extremely expensive and are targeted for commercial use. In starting this project, I wanted to create a budget, but still well-functioning VR Haptic Glove that’s cheap and easy for people to get their hands on (or in, lol).

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Drill Depth Display with Gyro Sensor

If you have to drill a certain depth for a project, you need a bench drill with depth display. Most bench drills have a ruler with an arrow for reading. The success of the drilling depends on how accurately you can read the desired position. In this Arduino project I present an alternative proposal: A drilling depth display with a gyro sensor and 7-segment display with Arduino support.

The machine I use most frequently in my workshop is not a saw or a grinding machine. It is by far the bench drill. Regardless of the project, it is actually always used. If I need a certain drilling depth, I can use the built-in ruler on the machine. And remember the depth to which I have to drill. It actually works well.

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3D-printed mobile robot based on the Arduino Due

Although an Arduino can be a great way to provide computing power for a mobile robot, you’ll need a variety of other electronics and mechanical components to get it going. In his write-up, computer science student Niels Post outlines how he constructed a robotic platform that travels via two stepper motors, along with casters to keep it upright. Its round chassis is 3D-printed and runs on three rechargeable 18650 batteries.

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Kids Light Up Clock 2.0

The first version of my Light Up Clock for Kids I published a few years ago. At the time my wife and I were going crazy with our young kids (between 2 and 4 years old) who could not understand how to “wait for the 7” on the clock before coming in and waking us up early in the morning! Now the youngest (the 4th and hopefully the last) is 3 years old and this clock has been life-saving the last few years! Enhanced over time, it has provided a HUGE solution to our “child-waking-us-up-at-insane-hours-of-the-morning” problem!!!

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Arduino Powered Garage Parking Sensor

We live in a house with a very tight garage, and our relatively big car leaves a tiny space in front. I designed and built this simple project to visually guide the driver into the optimal parking distance, using real-time feedback about how close the car is to the wall in front. In short, it tells you when to stop.

The project uses an ultrasonic sensor and Arduino to measure distance and then displays it on a full-color LED strip as a progress bar. The sensor is mounted on the wall; as the distance between the car and wall shrinks, the light strip shows an increasing number of illuminated LEDs, which also change color from green to amber to red, and then finally, flashing red.

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Boosting Headphone Volume with a Tiny Smartphone Amplifier

This video guide from GreatScott! explains how to build a tiny Class A amplifier for your smartphone to boost headphone volume.

As the name suggests, an amplifier is a device that increases the amplitude (the power) of an electrical signal. Amplifiers can be used for any kind of electrical signal, but audio amplifiers are the most well-known. As an example, the audio output from an electric guitar is very faint, because that signal is produced entirely passively by the electromagnetic pickups. To push that up to a respectable volume, an audio amplifier is necessary. If your headphone volume coming from your smartphone is too quiet, GreatScott! explains how you do the same thing by building a tiny amplifier for headphones.

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Nano Piano – An Ardiuno Based Nano Piano

A simple, small piano that is not only small as the name implies, but it runs off of the Arduino Nano Every.

Nano Piano is a four key piano that runs off of an Arduino Nano Every. This project is beginner friendly, and it is great if you are looking to get into Arduino or electronics as a whole. I will be going over everything you need to know to create this project. You get to decide how its assembled but I will be showing you all the electronics and things you need to make it work.

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