Nintendo Targets Amazing C64 Port of Super Mario Bros. After 7 Years’ Development.

Developer ZeroPaige has spent the last seven years creating a port of Super Mario Bros. for the Commodore 64, a record-breaking home computer released in 1982. He released the game just before the weekend to critical acclaim. It didn’t take long for Nintendo to start filing takedown notices.

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Samsung Galaxy Fold Unboxing.

Unboxing the new Samsung Galaxy Fold. The Galaxy Fold is the first folding smartphone Unbox Therapy has tried. The Galaxy Fold is the most futuristic smartphone Unbox Therapy has tried. How does the Samsung Galaxy Fold stack up against the other flagship devices like Apple iPhone, Huawei Mate X and others? Are foldable smartphones the future of smartphones? Computing devices in general? Enjoy
Unbox Therapy’s Samsung Galaxy Fold hands on video.

RetroFlag Gpi Case The Best Raspberry Pi GameBoy? $69.99

Final price is $69.99
RetroFlag did it again with the all New G Pi Case “GPi case” A raspberry Pi zero or Zero w powered Gameboy and its the best GameBoy Pi ETA Prime has ever tested
“Pi Zero Version”
This is going to sell out fast so stay tuned for the price and release on this awesome raspberry pi powered Gameboy released just in time for the Original GameBoys 30th anniversary!

Place holder to purchase your own.