Gameboy, Gameboy Color and possibly Gamboy Advanced modular cartridge cases.

I printed out the full set of parts for version 2.3 of my Gameboy cartridge modular case and snapped everything together last night.
The cartridge pieces work perfect and everything fits together nice and snug, though the new frame pieces I added in version 2.3 need a slit bit of work.

Check out the forums for further details

OctoPrint and PSU Control to control the power of your 3D printer.

I finally finished up the video for PSU Control with OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi and using a 5v relay to control the power of your 3D printer.

This will allow you to keep your Octoprint setup running, without the printer being powered on all the time when not in use.
Just log into your OctoPrint web console and power up the printer when you are ready.

I also have a brief write up, with links to all items as well as 3D printed parts in use.

OctorPrint and PSU Control on our Forums

Gameboy / Gameboy Color stackable game case.

I happened to be watching an episode of Talk About Games, from the YouTube Channel Cinemassacre, and they mentioned the desire for a stackable and connecting Gameboy cartridge case.

Of course I rushed to Sketchup and made a quick doodle, followed up with the case on the printer now being printed.
This is currently still very beta, and I have yet to test fit a game, or the case together… I will be updating it once I verify fitment, and I plan to drastically change the interconnection method.

Though you can find it on Thingiverse at

Gameboy Stackable Case

GB/GBC case on our forums

PinkyPi full build version 2 is complete!

PinkyPi prototype full build 2 is together and being play tested. This is based off PinkyPi version 1.2 source code on my Thingiverse

I am working on the build video and parts list if you want to make your own at home. To simplify the process, I am also working on a prefab PCB that will be available for purchase so you can easily build one without a large majority of the wiring hassle.

Stay tuned for more!
