PinkyPi 1.1 is on the hot bed!

I made just a couple very small changes to the case layout for PinkyPi 1.1, a small groove to line up the sections abit better and closing up the micro USB and HDMI ports a little.

I do still want to do some more design to the inside of the base, to hold the battery charging module firmly in place, another notch or two to help secure the layers / sections together, some possible bracing in the middle layer and a possible redesign of the A and B buttons.

PinkyPi v1 together!

I finally got PinkyPi v1 put together and booting! I’ve played a few games on it so far to test everything out, though I am having audio issues. I fear I broke the negative wire going to the speaker during assembly.

Check out the build log in our forums!


My Arduino based WS2811 RGB Christmas light show setup.

I’m working on a full write up of my Christmas light show from 2018, my second year doing Christmas lights.
You can find the article in our forums.

Christmas Light setup – 2018

I’ve also provided the Arduino source code I used in my setup, for both Relay control as well as WS2811 RGB LED control.
This software interfaces with Vixen 3 running on a computer in my garage and allows Vixen to talk to the Arduinos and control my display.

[download id=”420″]

[download id=”422″]


CoinFX is back and up for download!

CoinFX is a sound effect application that plays coin box sounds for your MAME arcade system. Press your coin button and it will make the sounds of the coin chute and box. Sounds change as the coin counters increase, giving the effect your coin box is filling up.

CoinFX on our community forums.

[download id=”396″]