Coronavirus: RaspberryPi powered ventilator to be tested in Colombia

A team in Colombia is to test a ventilator made with a Raspberry Pi computer and easy-to-source parts.
The design and computer code were posted online in March by a man in California, who had no prior experience at creating medical equipment.

Marco Mascorro, a robotics engineer, said he built the ventilator because knew the machines were in high demand to treat Covid-19.
His post prompted a flood of feedback from healthcare workers.

He has used the advice to make improvements.
“I am a true believer that technology can solve a lot of the problems we have right now specifically in this pandemic,” he told the BBC.

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RaspberryPi 4 4GB Supreme Pro Retropie Pixel Desktop Interface

One of the best things about owning a raspberry pi is the ability to run it like a pc. Supreme Pro give us the option of a 32 bit or 64bit operating system. Besides running retro games today’s video covers the desktop Pixel and the many features it offers. 1080p youtube stability Libre and other office programs.

Supreme pro base image…

Help FIGHT COVID-19 With Your RaspberryPi With Rosetta@home

In this video, I show you how you can help fight the Corona Virus / COVID-19 using a Raspberry Pi by installing and running Rosetta@home! Rosetta@home is used to predict the structure of proteins important to the disease as well as to produce new, stable mini-proteins to be used as potential therapeutics and diagnostics. Basically, we are donating our Raspberry Pi’s CPU cycles / Power to help aid in the fight! It’s like Folding@Home but it works on the Raspberry pi.

RaspberryPi 4 Mini Desktop Case – Ice Tower Cooler + Secondary PCB Cooling Fan

This is a case I designed for the Raspberry Pi 4 with the Ice Tower Cooler by 52Pi.

I designed this during the coronavirus quarantine and in some ways influenced by this ongoing experience.

For one, there’s potentially hours of experimentation potential as there are different fan options to test… if you’re stuck at home bored with nothing to and a spare Raspberry Pi and some fans sitting around.

Furthermore, since supply shipments are sketchy, I kept the 3D printer filament usage to a minimum, thinned parts wherever possible, provided opportunities to fabricate some parts out of other household materials (like possibly cardboard for the top and bottom panels which are not structural and otherwise featureless).

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How To Play Netflix Disney+ HULU Spotify And More On The RaspberryPi 4 With Raspbian

In this video, I show you how to get Netflix Disney Plus Hulu Amazon Video and even Spotify working on the Raspberry pi 4 running Raspbian right from the Chromium Browser! This method comes to us from from a user names Ventz and it actually works really well on The Pi4 escallop with an Overclock.

RaspberryPi vs. Arduino : The Battle of the Micros

Hello guys, in today’s articles, I will try as much as i can to do justice to the comparison between an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi. Oftentimes, there has been a comparison between Window Vs Linux, Edilson Vs Tesla, AMD Vs Intel and micro-controller Vs microprocessor. People get confused when it comes to selecting/choosing the right boards for their next project which later leads to an argument or comparison.

Comparing these two boards is like comparing a calculator with a laptop, it’s kinda funny tho. The two boards have their advantages and disadvantages over one another.

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