Amazon Prime Video service is shutting down on Wii U

Amazon is pulling the plug on its Prime Video service for the Wii U after nearly seven full years of support.

The company started sending emails out to customers who are using the service on their Wii U, to formally announce that support would be ending on September 26, 2019. But, Amazon isn’t leaving its users all high-and-dry. As a notably good gesture, Amazon is offering $25 of credit towards the purchase of a Fire TV product by means of a unique promo code. A refurbished Fire TV Stick just so happens to be going for $24.99, so affected users can simply use the credit towards picking up one of those to continue streaming their Prime Video content. This offer is only available until November 1, however.

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Here’s John Wick reimagined as a brutally difficult, free NES game

You can currently royally battle as John Wick, and you’ll soon be able to tactically whack goons in the upcoming John Wick Hex, but where’s the straightforward shoot-’em-up inspired by the meteorically popular Keanu-Reeves-starring action films?

It’s here, kinda, in John Wick, which is John Wick but as a run-and-gun NES shooter. Made with art assets created for a fake NES version of the film, developer MuriloDev has created an actually playable game. On its normal difficulty setting, I managed about four or five enemies before collapsing into a Wicky heap, but there is an easy option, perhaps less authentic to the traditional NES experience.

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Luigi’s Mansion 3 Release Date Delivers A Spooky Treat For Halloween

Nintendo has announced that Luigi’s Mansion 3 will release for Nintendo Switch just in time to help celebrate Halloween.

After receiving an invitation to a luxurious hotel, Luigi sets out on a dream vacation with Mario and friends. However, his dream soon becomes a nightmare when King Boo reveals that it was a plan to capture them all.

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