Raspberry Pi 4 CRT-based VR Headset

What would virtual reality be like if flat panel display technology were never invented? In this project, Andy uses a pair of CRTs and the Raspberry Pi 4 to build a VR headset with stereoscopic 3D, 3DOF head tracking, and custom, browser-based software. It may not be practical but it’s definitely unique and guaranteed to have no screen door effect.

I made GameCube Joy-Cons

You’ve seen all the fake GameCube Joycon Renders. I decided to make real ones. This video was several months of assembly and several months of editing. Hope you enjoy it. These JoyCons are real, but they are not for sale. They were a pain to make, and I will not be making another set.

ODROID GO ADVANCE First Look And Test – Could This Be The Best Retro Handheld of 2020!

So I got my hands on the all-new Odroid Go Advance and its already turning out to be my favorite Retro emulation handheld! This is not a review video this is a first look, early testing, and my initial thoughts. The Go Advance releases at the end of January 2020 and its a DIY Retro Emulation handheld powered by a Quade core 1.3Ghz CPU with a 3.5 inch LCD screen that looks like an IPS display AND IT RUNS EMULATION STATION JUST LIKE RetroPie on the Raspberry Pi. Even though I’m using beta software in this video the perforce in all the emulators I’ve tested is amazing from PS1 to N64! I believe this will be the must-have retro handheld once of 2020!