Complete beginner’s guide to 3D printing – Assembly, tour, slicing, levelling and first prints

If you’ve just got your first 3D printer, this video is for you. If someone you know is confused by why the STL on the card won’t print, or has no idea how to level the bed, please send them here. This guide takes you through step by step everything you need to get going and start printing. Please explore the rest of my channel for a lot of content on how to get the best out of your 3D printer.

M5Stack ATOM Display Lite adds HDMI output to ESP32 module

M5Stack ATOM Display Lite is a kit based on GOWIN Gowin GW1NR-9C FPGA and LT8618SX RGB to HDMI chip designed to add HDMI output up to 720p to the company’s ESP32-based M5Stack ATOM Lite module.
The ATOM Lite sees the ATOM Display Lite kit as an SPI display, but the solution outputs the data to an HDMI monitor or TV with up to 1280×720 resolution and can be used for information display, menu board, and more.

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