I’ve finally finished the precompiled images for PinkyPi and PinkyPi Pro micro game consoles.
These images are based of RetroPie 4.4 and utilize the fbcp-ili9341 display driver.

PinkyPi 1.3LCD-
PinkyPi prebuilt image, based off RetroPie 4.4
This is for the 1.3inch (240×240) LCD display version.
Using fbcp-ili9341 display driver.
Using RetroGame GPIO controller driver.
Backlight control is enabled – to disable see here.
PinkyPi Pro –
PinkyPi Pro prebuilt image, based off RetroPie 4.4
This is for the Pro version of PinkyPi, 1.5inch screen and more buttons.
Using fbcp-ili9341 display driver.
Using RetroGame GPIO controller driver.
Using PiSNES as default SNES emulator
[download_category category=”pinky_pi_img”]