Retro Gaming Handheld Without a PCB

Dave is a big fan of freeform soldering styles and made a tiny skeleton handheld. As the wise Ben Heckendorn said years before, Dave too tells everyone to collect spare LED legs. “Don’t throw them away, as they might come in handy one day!” – or they get stuck in your maglock sockets. Here we need them to connect an Attiny85 with some buttons and an I2C display.

All signs point to a Google game console announcement at GDC

Normally, Google showing up to the Game Developers Conference isn’t a huge deal. The company does this pretty much every year—Android smartphones and Google Play are a pretty big gaming platform, after all—and it shows up with livestreams and blog posts and all the usual festivities. This year, though, is different. Google has been sending out vague teasers since last month for a GDC event, but as the date approaches, the company has been dropping more and more hints of exactly what it is announcing: Google is launching video game hardware for the Project Stream platform.

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Creality CR-10S Pro – An honest review

The Creality CR-10 has been a hugely popular 3D printer. Now the Pro model is out and you might be wondering how much of an upgrade it is. One thing is for sure, it has amazing print quality. Unfortunately, there are some problems which need addressing too. In this review, Teaching Tech takes you through features, unboxing, assembly, test prints and a recount of all of the issues I faced along the way. This printer has some fantastic points, and some that need fixing. Hopefully with the information
Teaching Tech presents it will help you make up your mind on whether you think it is a worthwhile investment.