
PinkyPi X Build log...
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PinkyPi X Build log - Raspberry Pi Zero and GamePi15 hat gaming device

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Posted by: @7ames

Hi everyone, I've been having some problems with the device lately. When I try to turn it on it doesn't do anything. As if there was no SD card inserted. I've tried using another sd card but same issue. It has full charge. SD cards are the same ones I've always used and worked fine. Any ideas on what the problem could be ? 

Interesting, I've had a similar problem once, it ended up being a corrupt install on my SD so a re-flash fixed it.

But sounds like you've already done this with a second SD card?

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Yeah I reflashed the SD card and also used another old one that had the original RetroPie image from the waveshare wiki page that i knew worked. Same result. Powered on, didnt try reading the card, nothing came up on the screen. then after a few seconds turned off.

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Posted by: @7ames

Yeah I reflashed the SD card and also used another old one that had the original RetroPie image from the waveshare wiki page that i knew worked. Same result. Powered on, didnt try reading the card, nothing came up on the screen. then after a few seconds turned off.

I would try a default Raspberry Pi image with the Pi hooked directly up to a monitor over HDMI.
This will tell you if there is something wrong with the Pi, if it doesn't boot or work, then there's the problem.

If it works, it may be something failed with the GamePi15 hat.

Have you tried powering it directly off USB rather than a battery?

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Hello, can anyone help me connect to wifi. I'm in the UK and when I go to change my location through raspi config I get an error with wpa-supplicant. 

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Posted by: @retrochris

Hello, can anyone help me connect to wifi. I'm in the UK and when I go to change my location through raspi config I get an error with wpa-supplicant. 

Can you share what you have in your wpa-supplicant?

It should be located in



Make sure to remove your password and wifi name before sharing with us

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Thanks for the reply. The wpa_supplicant file is empty! I'm not sure what to do to be able to access it! 

I tried adding a wpa_supplicant folder with all the information to my boot folder with a windows pc using notepad ++ but I couldn't get that to work! 

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Posted by: @retrochris


Thanks for the reply. The wpa_supplicant file is empty! I'm not sure what to do to be able to access it! 

I tried adding a wpa_supplicant folder with all the information to my boot folder with a windows pc using notepad ++ but I couldn't get that to work! 

If you can hook a keyboard and display up to it, you should be able to use nano (editor) to modify the wpa_supplicant file


sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf


And then make your changes

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Hi yeah I have done that with the 1.54" screen. There in nothing that shows up. I can't seem to attach a picture  to show you!

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Posted by: @retrochris

Hi yeah I have done that with the 1.54" screen. There in nothing that shows up. I can't seem to attach a picture  to show you!

If you re-flash the image to the SD card, and try again from your PC by creating the wpa_supplicant.conf in the boot folder, before using it in your Pi. It should work, be sure to change the Country Code and assure the data is saved in the file before booting your Pi with it.

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OK I will give that a go. I have already tried this but I my be doing something wrong!

Do you have an example of what wpa_supplicant.conf should contain?

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Posted by: @retrochris

OK I will give that a go. I have already tried this but I my be doing something wrong!

Do you have an example of what wpa_supplicant.conf should contain?

Yes from our guides section


ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


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Well I sat down and started again following the instructions and now it works! I don't know where I was going wrong I think frustration got the better of me! Thanks for your help!

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Posted by: @retrochris

Well I sat down and started again following the instructions and now it works! I don't know where I was going wrong I think frustration got the better of me! Thanks for your help!

Awesome! I am glad to hear you got it working, now the fun begins! =)

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Hi all - fantastic work in making this board a usable micro console. Over the holiday break I got RetroPie working on a Zero 2W board with this HAT - the build steps are fairly straightforward, and yield a very well-performing tiny console.

1. Install RetroPie on the 2W, no HAT, latest version for Raspi 2/3 (NOT zero!)

2. Install fbcp-ili9341 driver, with these CMAKE flags per the PinkyPiX build:

make -j

3.  Install Retrogame GPIO driver. /boot/regtrogame.cfg copied from PinkyPiX image (below) ,  driver from

# PinkyPi X v1.0

LEFT 16 # Joypad left
RIGHT 13 # Joypad right
UP 5 # Joypad up
DOWN 6 # Joypad down
A 21 # 'A' button
B 20 # 'B' button
X 15 # 'X' button
Y 12 # 'Y' button
SPACE 19 # 'Select' button
ENTER 26 # 'Start' button
L 23 # Left shoulder button
R 14 # Right shoulder button
H 3 # Hotkey Button

4. Edit /etc/rc.local, adding the following before the last "exit 0" line:

sudo /home/pi/fbcp-ili9341/build/fbcp-ili9341 &
sudo /usr/local/bin/retrogame &

5. Added  /etc/udev/rules.d/10-retrogame.rules with contents:

SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="retrogame", ENV{ID_INPUT_KEYBOARD}="1"

Reboot, add roms, and play!

So far testing yields a pretty capable little system - I don't have a good quantification of battery life on the upgraded hardware, but solid >30FPS on most emulators before N64 looks pretty cool in such a tiny package! I've ordered the SNES case from the site to complete the build - my train commute just got more fun 😛


Thanks all!








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Great update! Thank you!
We have received your order and will be getting it ready for shipping today.

Thank you!

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