Last seen: Nov 11, 2024
Nice Job ?
Hey ! i just finsh mine , i have design another case without screws on the front panel and two extra buttons for Start and Select command i made th...
Nice ! it's how i connect mine and it works fine ?
it seem you short circuit the gpio 18 to ground when volume is down . Do you really connect like that ? i think 2 and 5 are inverted
It is possible but results are bad and almost impossible to edit
Hi i found a solution to make Mame controls Work: I put the HDMI safe =1 on the boot/config.txt . then you can plug a mini HDMI plug a keyboard in...
i dont use sketchup , but i know SolidWorks , i tried to import you files in STL with no good resulsts . i gonna make on from zero here my very firs...
I decided to make few mods to the screen : i replaced the trhree button for a smoother clic and to space them a bit more . then , i had 2 more but...
Thanks for your work , i will have a look for the Mame bug too this week end Ivanothai , you can use Winscp for windows to add roms in each folder it...
For now , i can report a few bugs : N64 emulator dont work roms .n64 and .z64 buttons dont work on mame emulator
I burned your image on my SD and it works perfectly ! you did an awesome job ! ?
hi , i recieve my LCD hat today and i just discover that it's not a ST7789 chip . So the driver is for LCD (LCD-show) sreens and you can find it Here ...
I have compiled a fresh image with retropie 4.4 and ST7789 drivers and it works perfectly Video ECCO the Dolphin ? ?
The retropie version i use is 4.2 and the quality with genesis is very smooth , have a look Aladin video i will try with 4.4 retropie version
Thanks , i will try once again with the ili9341 but for now the tasanakorn works great with a good framerate ( video Here) next step now : Add 2 more...