Cleanup on Crackedconsole

We recently discovered that earlier this past week, our site was compromised, and redirecting users to Viagra and other websites.
In full disclosure this issue has been resolved and the offending code has been removed from our site.
We are working with Google to verify all pages and data, and would like to apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you –
The Crackedconsole Team.

A Uranium Glass Marble Ring Oscillator for Your Next Steampunk Project

If you’ve never considered owning a greenish, slightly radioactive device that glows in a circular pattern, then this Uranium Glass Marble Ring Oscillator, or UMRO might change your mind. It nominally runs on a 9V battery, and is small enough that it could be worn as a steampunk-style pendant or placed into an antique flashlight case as creator Aeon Junophor did with his. Or one of his at least, as he’s geared up to build multiples of this interesting unit.

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How to Recycle Cardboard into Anything with 3D Printing!

Paper is an incredible material, but why does it always have to be flat? I’ve developed a process to turn paper into a three-dimensional material, using as little as a 3D printer, a blender, a vice, and pinch of rice.
The resulting material has the texture of paper, but is as hard and rigid as plastic, moldable into an infinite variety of shapes, and completely biodegradable.

Building an Arduino-Based SSD

Normally, SD cards are used to store large amounts of data when logging information or retrieving files. However, SD cards have slow access times and require 4 GPIO pins, along with more software overhead. When using microcontrollers that are short on RAM and/or GPIO pins, such as the ATtiny family, storing large amounts of data while keeping a program small can be a large issue.

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Giant 3D Printer from Scratch!

It works! The Big 3D Printer MkII is finished and it works beautifully. I made a first test print of a 66mm combination wrench, 800mm in length with absolutely no warping!! It shows a few holes in the top because it has too little infill but hey! it is the first print!! It took only 6 hours but I’m sure that this thing can go way faster.