Apple Delays ‘Walkie Talkie for Texts’ Ahead of iPhone 11 Launch

The iPhone 11 has a lot of rumored features, from a new A13 processor and triple cameras on the iPhone 11 Pro to reverse wireless charging and an improved shatter-resistant design. But here’s one iPhone feature that no one saw coming.

According to The Information, Apple has been working on a “walkie for text messages feature” that would have allowed iPhone owners to send messages to other iPhones over long-distance radio waves. This technology would bypass cellular networks, making it a good fit for remote areas that have poor coverage by wireless carriers.

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Eben Upton on the Raspberry Pi’s Industrial Crossover and Why There Will Never Be a Pi 9

Seven years ago, Eben Upton created the first Raspberry Pi. As Upton told IEEE Spectrum in our March 2015 cover story, the Pi was inspired in part by his childhood experiments with a BBC Micro home computer: He wanted modern kids to have a simple machine that allowed for similar experimentation. Since then, the Pi has exploded in popularity, and the fourth major revision of the Pi was released in June. Upton talked with Spectrum senior editor Stephen Cass about the Pi 4’s design, its growing commercial use, and what might be next.

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Tom Stanton Builds a Drone That Flies Using the Coandă Effect

That vast majority of quadcopter drones produce thrust in a very straightforward way: the propellers push air downwards at a high speed which creates lift. But that doesn’t mean other means of propulsion can’t be used. YouTuber Tom Stanton often experiments with unconventional drones and methods of propulsion, and in his newest video he has made a drone fly using the Coandă effect.

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Summer Project – Make an INSANELY LOUD Bluetooth Amplifier!

In this video we’ll be making a wireless bluetooth-enabled amplifier so that we can put old bookshelf speakers to good use!
Not only is the sound quality fantastic, but it can also go super loud! It’s also quite easy to build, and doesn’t require any special tools – you can get away with just a hammer, nail, and a screwdriver if needed. Seriously!

Qt Introduces Bare Metal Toolkit for Microcontrollers

Creating modern user interfaces for embedded systems just got easier. The Qt Company has announced its new toolkit: Qt for MCUs. If you have not heard of Qt before, it is probably best known as a GUI toolkit for cross-platform applications.
The new Qt for MCUs lets you skip the operating system and run a graphical user interface on bare metal microcontrollers.

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