Another look at the Nintendo DSi in 2019 – Softmodding , Homebrew and DSIWare | MVG

A new exploit for the Nintendo DSi has been recently released – Memory Pit – and it works on ALL DSi systems. Lets go ahead and take another look at the Nintendo DSi and the state of homebrew in 2019.

Huge thanks to shutterbug2000 for the exploit and providing excellent information to make this video possible

Super Mario Maker 2 Proves the Angry Sun Never Had Mercy, Compassion, or a Soul.

The Angry Sun’s relentless urge to burn has been replaced by a robotic drive to obliterate all living things.

Nothing imprints on your mind quite like a scary moment from a game that’s not supposed to be scary. This is doubly true when you’re a soft kid who makes a point of staying away from media that’s gory or frightening. Nobody says “I’ll play a Super Mario game” because they enjoy the feeling of being hunted down by a fire-wrapped deity. But that’s pretty much how I felt when the Angry Sun made its first relentless assassination attempt against me.

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Turning NES games 3D – 3DNes is really cool, but flawed

Ever wondered what your favourite NES games would look like in futuristic 3D? Well wonder no more because the crazy minds at Geod Studio have just released 3DNES a program that, with a little bit of work, can 3Dify your NES roms! 3DNES isn’t without it’s problems though so check out this video to find out how it works and what it looks like, oh and if you fancy downloading it for yourself, click on this link for the download page:

Nintendo Targets Amazing C64 Port of Super Mario Bros. After 7 Years’ Development.

Developer ZeroPaige has spent the last seven years creating a port of Super Mario Bros. for the Commodore 64, a record-breaking home computer released in 1982. He released the game just before the weekend to critical acclaim. It didn’t take long for Nintendo to start filing takedown notices.

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This SNES emulator mod makes Mode 7 graphics ‘HD’ with amazing results.

My favorite thing about emulating modern 3D games is the ability to run them at vastly higher resolutions—The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, for example, is stunning at 4K. Higher resolution rendering doesn’t work so well for older pixel art games, or so I thought. A mod released today for Super Nintendo emulator bsnes, called HD Mode 7, shows how much detail you can get out of the faux 3D mode’s graphics.

You can see the difference above—the left half of the image is what Mode 7 normally looks like, and the right half is “HD”. I spliced the two screenshots together. Here’s a comparison you can play with yourself.

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