Canbus Display using J1939 MCP2515 Arduino and Canhacker V2

Demonstration of Arduino, MCP2515 module and tft shield displaying J1939 data from a truck also using CanHacker v2 software connected to an Arduino Nano and MCP2512 module to play back data recorded earlier.
All software needed is available including sample traces at:…

1 thought on “Canbus Display using J1939 MCP2515 Arduino and Canhacker V2”

  1. Hi,
    I wanted to make similar project for my truck. I tried to download your software in the link you provided, but link is not available.
    Would you be willing to share your Arduino code?
    I got stuck in my project, so any help is welcome.
    Thank you very, very much, in advance.
    Kind regards,

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