From THEC64 Group on Facebook, comes a sneak peek at the packaging for their upcoming Commodore 64 full sized mode to accompany the C64 Mini!
THEC64 Update 5th June 2019
We are another step closer this week!
What you’re seeing here is a sneaky peek at the full-size THEC64 packaging, which has now been sent for final checks before the button can be pressed. A clearer and better view will be coming once it has all been approved, but as you can see from the image, it’s looking good.
A few more teases are due over the next week or two, before the planned official announcement at the end of this month (June 2019). We are all excited to reveal the timeline and further details to everyone, but we need to keep a lid on things for just a little while longer.
More next week as we build up to the final reveal!