I’ve made videos on Ender 3 mainboard upgrades, but this one has been highly requested. The SKR Mini E3 from Bigtreetech is a drop in replacement board that also comes with pre-made firmware.
For the price, I consider this incredible value. Mine had one hitch but my free firmware files below will prevent that happening to you. This upgrade is so great because: It negates the need to spend time, effort and money on a bootloader.
It updates your printer to the newest Marlin with all safety features enabled. It has a more powerful 32bit processor It is more exapandle: No pin27 board needed for BLtouch and support for touch screens, UPS and PSU relays.
Integrated TMC2209s mean no more zebra stripes and no need to spend money on TL smoothers TMC2209s mean much quieter, no need to spend money on stepper dampers Plug and plug plus affordable